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This class is used to import Acquire data. It uses the public Acquire API.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Geosoft.Desktop.GXNet
Assembly: geosoft.desktop.gxnet (in geosoft.desktop.gxnet.dll)
public class CACQUIRE : CHANDLE

The CACQUIRE type exposes the following members.

Public methodAvailable to anyone with an Oasis Montaj licenseStatic memberCreate
Create a ACQUIRE object
Public methodAvailable to anyone with an Oasis Montaj licenseDeleteEmptyChan
Delete empty channels
Protected methodDispose
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the CACQUIRE and optionally releases the managed resources
(Overrides CHANDLEDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodAvailable to anyone with an Oasis Montaj licenseiImportHole
Import Drillhole data acQuire database into a GDB
Public methodAvailable to anyone with an Oasis Montaj licenseiImportPoint
Import Point Sample data acQuire database into a GDB
Public methodAvailable to anyone with an Oasis Montaj licenseiSelectionTool
Run the Acquire Selection Tool.
See Also